The new moon fell on Labour Day this month it really feels like a great time to set intentions for new beginnings. I hope that the courses that I am offering speak to you and that you join me to expand capacities and learn reiki!
Reiki and … TEA!
In the summer of 2017 I was sitting on my front porch swing drinking tea and looking out over the front garden when I noticed a plant I didn’t recognise. I let it grow so that I could observe it and learn what it was. It grew right in front of where I sat every morning to drink my tea. It was a vigorous grower and was soon about seven feet tall with flower buds along its upright stem. When it finally bloomed it was right at eye level and seemed to be looking right at me! It had a strong presence. It was an evening primrose. Evening primrose is a known remedy for eczema, an issue that I have had since birth.
The next year it came up in the garden beside our back door. Giant plants filled with blossom with the most beautiful scent filled the garden. In the middle there was one plant that was growing differently than the rest. The stem was growing wide and flat instead of round. When it reached about four feet high, the stem grew in two. Each side grew out and then up and then around until it formed a heart. It formed a heart right at the hight of my heart. You can see in the photos below the vigorous green heart. What I didn’t take a picture of, and I wish so much that I did, was a week or so later when the whole heart was in yellow bloom.
The following year the plants came up in the cracks right next to our door so that each time I walked in or out of the house I brushed by the flowers and smelled their beautiful perfume.

This year a different plant has seeded itself by the back door. Blue Vervain. I looked up the healing qualities of blue vervain and learned that it helps soothe anxiety. Particularly anxiety caused by having overly high expectations of yourself.
I feel like these plants are speaking to me in not so subtle ways. They make their presence known so boldly that I must take notice. This is called plant spirit medicine.

I have been interested in herbalism since I had my first garden as a teenager. I had a round vegetable garden (‘Are you a druid?” a neighbour asked. I didn’t know what a druid was) and beside it I had a rectangular herb garden with santolina borders. My mom worked at the library and was always bringing home gorgeous coffee table books about gardening. I particularly loved the parts about herb gardens. My favourite way to use medicinal herbs has always been to make tea.
Having a cup of tea with a friend is a wonderful way to reveal secrets, have a good cry, and get to know them deeply.
Having tea with a client is a wonderful way to ground after reiki. I choose the herbs carefully depending on who the client is and what my intuition tells me. All the teas that I serve are grown here at Crickhollow or on occasion I will forage on other biodynamic farms. We sit for a while drinking our tea and talking about what may have come up during the reiki session. It can take a little while to come back to earth after reiki and drinking tea and chatting is a gentle way to do so.
The Tuesday evening Women’s Healing Circles take place here at Crickhollow and for this moon are:
Tuesday September 24, 2024. 7-9pm
Tuesday October 1, 2024 7-9pm
Women are welcome to arrive early and walk the labyrinth.
The circles take place in the beautiful setting of the reiki cottage where we have massage tables and all kinds of gems and musical instruments to include in our treatments. All women with reiki one training or training in other modalities (massage therapy, sound, cranial sacral etc) are welcome.
We will start with singing and sharing and then take turns providing treatments for each other. We will then have a short closing.
By donation.
Email if you have any questions or need directions.
Reiki Level One
I am happy to offer Reiki Level One certification again this fall. To read more about the course check out our website.
Saturday October 26, 2024. 10am - 3pm
and Saturday November 2, 2024. 10am - 3pm
Classes are held here on the farm.
$250 includes a reiki session with Rosemary before the course.
To register please email Rosemary at
Reiki Level Two
After taking reiki level one it is recommended to spend a 21 days practicing self reiki every day. After that the student is ready to take reiki level two. I am excited to offer Reiki Level Two certification this November. The dates are:
Saturday November 23, 2024. 10am - 3pm
Saturday November 30, 2024. 10am - 3pm
$300 includes a reiki session with Rosemary before the course.
To register please email Rosemary at

What’s Happening on the Farm
You may remember from our spring newsletter that we pruned the grape vines in the greenhouse. This past week we harvested 50 lbs of grapes! As I write Ken is busy making them into jelly.
Lovely newsletter Rosemary, I always enjoy them and find them inspiring. Especially loved seeing and hearing about the plants coming to your door! That is one amazing primrose!! Hey! I'm talking to you!!! xo