Events at Crickhollow
We are over the new moon excited to share with you all the details of our upcoming barn concert. Driving to a farm in the middle of nowhere and finding a barn filled with twinkle lights and friendly faces is a joy filled experience. Sitting and listening to music as the sun sets makes summer a magical time!
Ken and I will have a concession stand with treats available for cash or saubucks.
Heather sends us this note:
Dear friends,
It's not been easy for me to make music these days... to feel creative, to know what to say. The world is a tough place - frustrating, chaotic, disheartening, horrifying, stymieing.
What is motivating me, for this concert and in general these days, is to remember what fuels me - to nurture a connection to life and creativity. This includes creating opportunities to gather with friends and loved ones in a meaningful way, sharing sensory experiences that renew curiosity, play, and using my voice. I look to children, the elements, and plant and animal kin for leadership and inspiration.
Sweet Session will perform some Shakespearean sonnets put to music. Charles will perform a piece for guitar and tape loops.
I will play some new pieces with a band, and create a bit of an installation in the space. I hope you will join me and my music making friends in this concert experience we are preparing for you =) All ages very welcome!
Reiki and What’s Happening on the Farm

The farm is alive with blossom and berry both cultivated and wild. I love harvesting and drying these plants and preparing teas for our reiki sessions. Pictured above we have linden, red clover, blueberries, st. john’s wort, black currents, motherwort, bee balm, lemon balm and rose.
Finding the linden has been an adventure of mine for the past few years. I like learning from the herbalist Susun Weed and she uses linden to make nourishing infusions. To make her infusions you need huge quantities of herbs. I have linden trees here on the farm but they just had a few flowers and most of them were too high to reach. This year is an amazing year for linden flowers! Have you ever walked by a linden tree in full bloom? The aroma is glorious and the whole tree is alive with buzzing honey bees and other insects. On my way home from Neustadt I spotted a linden tree in full blossom. Its branches reached right down to the grass. That evening Ken and I went and picked a bag full of flowers that are now drying and ready for tea making.
To learn more about our reiki sessions visit our website.
I hope you have enjoyed this new moon newsletter and I look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks at Heather’s concert! If you would like to let your friends know about the concert (a full house is always a good time!) and reiki sessions feel free to share!
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