Crickhollow Newsletter
What’s happening on the farm
After hours and hours of raking the site, cleaning up the old labyrinth with the help of two metal detectorists, and lots of volunteers helping Bruce plant the new flags, we have a new labyrinth! The more the labyrinth is walked the better defined it will be. If you would like to have a lovely meditative walk you are welcome to stop by and walk the labyrinth. Let me know by emailing or call/text 519-369-0058.

I know, I know, this is newsletter number four and I still don’t have a concert lined up to tell you about! Don’t worry, we are working on it. I’m just so happy that this new moon newsletter is working out and when we do have an event to announce it will be so nice to post it here instead of racking my brain trying to think of everyone to send it to. In the meantime here’s a video of me rehearsing for last year’s concert.
I wrote this next bit in answer to the question “what is reiki?”
In this article my intention is to describe what reiki is from my perspective.
Here at Crickhollow I have created a space to hold reiki sessions. It is a little cottage with a woodstove, and a collection of stones, plants and musical instruments. But this is not necessary. Reiki can happen anywhere seated or lying down. Sometimes I treat clients outside where the trees and nature can participate in the session. Sometimes I give myself reiki when I am in a crowded or stressful situation to remind myself that I do not need to deplete my own energy, I can channel reiki energy and remain calm.
Before a session starts the client and I take a moment to connect. For what do you need healing? And then I give a guided meditation to become present. This time. This place.
The client then lays down on the reiki table and, similar to a restorative yoga class, we make sure they are completely warm and supported. I tuck them in with a warm blanket. To the sound of koshi bells you start to drift away. Thoughts are welcome and either followed or abandoned, coming back to sound, back to breath.
Now the rich tones of the singing bowl take you to a restful place. In reiki, the recipient goes to a place somewhere between waking and sleeping. In this place the body can completely let go and relax. Quite often at this stage I hear stomach gurgles and deep sighs as tensions unwind and release. In an episode of Tapestry on CBC, journalist Jordan Kisner explores the world of reiki and learns that while it is still not scientifically understood how reiki works, the effects are measurable. I think that in this relaxed state the body is able to heal itself. When muscles and tendons are relaxed blood flows smoothly and just as we can observe a cut heal over, we can also observe pain subsiding and disorders healing. Emotional problems can also be resolved as we let our thoughts drift and when we take time for ourselves.
It is at this point in the session that I take a moment to connect to reiki energy. While learning reiki, the student receives an attunement from their teacher. During this attunement the teacher uses kundalini breathwork and reiki symbols to open the student to reiki energy.
It was during my level two attunement that I met my reiki guide. She is my teacher’s grandmother and she always reminds me to fill my heart with love and to keep the session joyful. I also have a daily practice of prayer and meditation that I tap into.
I imagine the reiki symbols on my hands. Throughout the session, different symbols will pop up and I will use them as needed.
Then with my hands slightly above the client's body I scan them from head to toe. Reiki is channeling healing energy and it is also feeling the client’s energy. This is the time when the reiki practitioner can sense from the client where they may need healing. How does the breath feel? Different parts of the body feel tense, relaxed, warm or cool. Intuitive ideas also start coming in.
I feel grateful when I’m practicing reiki for the long lineage of hands on healers that stretches back to time in memorial. Reiki gives us a framework to learn and practice hands on healing as well as a scaffolding for spiritual development.
Reiki practitioners take interest in knowing their teacher's lineage and how they are connected to Usui Mikao Sensei, the founder of reiki. Usui Sensei (1865 - 1926) lived in Japan and was curious to know how people could do hands on healing. He went on a pilgrimage in the mountains fasting and meditating for 21 days. On the last day he received a vision of the symbols. As he made his way down the mountain he started using the symbols right away and found that he could heal himself and others. He had a successful reiki practice and taught his method to his students.
After I scan the client I start at the head and with about twelve different hand positions either on the body or slightly above, I give reiki to each of the chakras. Giving reiki is a relaxing, joyful and meditative experience. I continually bring my thoughts back to the present moment and envision the colours of the chakras.
As I move through the chakras I also bring in sound. This is not strictly reiki but sound vibrations are a strong physical sensation that can enliven the more subtle reiki energies. For example to help open the throat chakra we may do some vocal humming and chanting. The overtones hum in our ears and sinuses and help loosen congestion. For other chakra balancing I may bring in the cello, gong, bells, or drums.
At the end of the session I ground the client by holding their feet and using the reiki grounding symbol. We then sit together and have a cup of tea while we talk about what may have come up during the session.
The first reiki session is almost always this full body treatment. Then as we get to know what we are working on in subsequent sessions we can hone in. There are methods to release anxiety, create healthy habits instead of addictions, and to help envision and create a beautiful healthy life.
If you would like to book a reiki session call/text 519-369-0058 or email
Thank you for reading! I hope that you enjoy the dark night sky during this new moon time. ✨🌚✨