Reiki and Events
There is still time to register for our Reiki Level One course, there are three spaces left. The dates are Saturday October 26 and Saturday November 2, 2024. The cost is $250 and includes a reiki session with me (Rosemary) ahead of the course.
I am also offering Reiki Level Two in November. The dates are November 23 and 30.
Email if you would like more details and to register.
Who can benefit from learning reiki?
mothers and fathers. When a child gets hurt, quite often all that is needed is a band-aid or a kiss to make it better. By bringing reiki into the mix, a moment is created. In this moment the child feels like their needs are important. The parent takes time to sit still with their child, hold the wounded part and send healing love. The child’s whole being feels the healing.
caregivers. Being a caregiver can be enormously depleting. Reiki can be helpful here in two ways. One, you can give reiki to the person you are caring for. Perhaps you are caring for a senior who craves touch. Or if you are caring for someone in hospital, reiki is a beautiful compliment to allopathic medicines and treatments. Two, you can use reiki for yourself. As you are caring, the energy can flow through you not from you. We learn this in reiki level one. We also learn how to do self-healing so at the end of the day or as you are going to sleep you can fill yourself back up again.
friends. I took my reiki level two with a good friend of mine who I don’t get to see very often. It was a fun and bonding way to spend time together! I have also had friends come here to the farm for reiki treatments together. What a lovely way to express friendship!
massage therapists. My cousin is a massage therapist as well as a reiki practitioner. She told me that when she has a reiki client at the beginning of the day the rest of the day flows smoothly and has an extra sparkle. She said massage clients that have their appointment later in the day noice the difference. And again, it’s a way for massage therapists to practice self care.
gardeners and farmers. It is the plants that first got me into reiki. I wanted to feel the energy of the garden in a physical way so I took a reiki course from a woman who was also a gardener. My connection to all living beings including the earth and moon has deepened.
Women’s Healing Circles
Part of the reason why this is a full moon newsletter not a new moon is that I’ve been trying to get this poster finished. It is not finished, and I decided to include it anyway! So here is my in process Women’s Healing Circle poster!
Dates for the rest of this month are Wednesday October 23, and Wednesday October 30, 7 - 9pm. All women are welcome and there is no charge.
I feel like I’m on to something with these healing circles. I have had moments where I have felt like we are tapping in to ancient practices. We instinctively know how to care for each other and it is rewarding to create a space for this to happen. Email to let me know if you would like to attend or if you would like more information.